Title: X100p problem

I am having a problem with the x100p cards.  It doesn't matter whether the card is in the machine or not, all I get is a busy signal when calling.  The Asterisk box doesn't give me any errors and doesn't show that any call is coming through.  I removed the cards from the machine completely and they still give busy signal when dialed.  Any ideas?

I must say that after dealing with the ordering process with Digium, and now the seemingly broken cards, I have to say that I completely frustrated and unhappy with deciding to go with digium.  I think that Asterisk is probably very cool, and will do what I want, but it took three weeks to get my cards and the people at digium won't email to save their lives.  Anyway, please help with the card problem as I feel that I am out another week and this was supposed to be running last week…


Sean Garland

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