This is esp true of any VoIP PBX system. In fact I think many of them run Windows.

I do have a related question about how * users are creating redundancy in thier
setups? I am going live in a few days with a single office setup where I have
patched the * PBX in front of our existing legacy phone system, giving us auto
attendent and voice mail, plus the potential to do a large scale test of IP
phones. If successful the next step is a 150-400 station multi-office setup.
Most calls are inter-building such that we currently only need 6 outbound lines
to the PSTN.

Jonathan Moore
Director of Technology
Winfield Public Schools
Office 620.221.5100
Fax 620.221.0508

Quoting Steven Critchfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Tue, 2004-01-06 at 10:56, Jim Flagg wrote:
> > Just curious if any of the Asterisk installers are doing anything special
> > to protect themselves from a possible lawsuit caused by 911 failure
> > during a Asterisk/computer crash?
> > 
> > I realize that any traditional PBX or even a phone line can fail but,
> > anything running on a computer is probably going to be less reliable
> > than most PBXs.
> What do you think most PBXs are? Maybe not a x86, but it is a computer.
> > Anybody requiring customers to acknowledge and sign any kind of
> > waiver?  Just the legal fees of defending yourself in a lawsuit could
> > sink most Asterisk installers.
> Good question otherwise. 
> -- 
> Steven Critchfield  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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