I got mine to show the mwi, but when I press the button if gives me an error. I
think snom is now giving out a config guide for snom phones and  * in pdf
format. I have a copy somewhere, but it only got me to the point above and it
just hasn't been a high enough priority for me to call them back.

Jonathan Moore
Director of Technology
Winfield Public Schools
Office 620.221.5100
Fax 620.221.0508

Quoting tony  banks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hello
> Though my SNOM 200 phone receive a voice mail but it doesn't show MWI on the
> LCD panel, Instead it keeps displaying "DND SW-REG,Call-log".
> Though I can access my voicemail using exten =>100,1,VoicemailMail()
> Current firmware on SNOM 200 is SNOM200-SIP 2.03h
> Am I missing something.
> Regards
> Tony

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