thank you so much for you help,i have flowed your email and installed
thesesadd-ons all
works perfectly i can store the phone_number of the Customer ,now i can do
what i want :)

thanks every one for your support J

2011/11/30 Dale Noll <>

> On 11/28/2011 08:24 AM, salaheddine elharit wrote:
>> thank you for your help
> You are welcome.
> i would to ask you please, i want to store the phone number of the
>> customer  in the option_name column when he press 3 in context menu
>> i have created a database "aheevacss" with user "aheevaccs" and password
>> "aheevaccs" and also i have creatd a table in this database name of table
>> test with two columns:
>> option_name    varchar(15)
>> count                int
>> 1-how can i check if the app_mysql module compiled and loaded  i use
>> asterisk 1.4 and if not installed how can ido in order to install and
>> loaded it
> I saw in some other message threads, it looks like you are working out
> getting the mysql connectivity working in 1.4.  In this version, it is an
> 'add on' that you have to download separately from the Asterisk source
> tree.  The instructions given by Warren Selby are correct.
> When you do the 'make menuselect', you are presented with a menu with 5
> options.  Under 'Applications' you need to check app_addon_sql_mysql. Under
> 'Call Detail Recording' select cdr_addon_mysql. Under 'Resource Modules'
> check res_config_mysql.  Exit from menuselect and type 'make'.  You
> probably do not need the res_config_mysql, but it does not hurt anything to
> compile it.
> Aslo as mentioned in another thread, you do need to have mysql-devel
> package installed.
> Then run 'make' and 'make install' and 'make samples'.  This will build
> the modules, and
> and install them in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules.  This
> does not change any existing modules, just adds the new ones.
> Start an Asterisk cli (asterisk -r) and issue the command 'module load
> app_addon_sql_mysql'.  This should load the module and the MYSQL app will
> be available in your dialplan.  To verify it is loaded, you can issue the
> command 'module show like sql'
> You should also check the /etc/asterisk/modules.conf file.  There should
> be a line that says 'autoload=yes'.  If it says no, you will have to add a
> line 'load => app_addon_sql_mysql' (do not include the quotes).  Note:  If
> you want to load cdr_addon_mysql, you will have to add a 'load =>
> cdr_addon_mysql' line as well.  This file is read by asterisk at startup,
> so after you restart asterisk for the first time after these changes, make
> sure the module is loaded with the module show command.
> 2- can you please veify the menu below and tell me waht is wrong
>> thanks and regards
>> [default]
>> exten => 529,1,Ringing()
>> exten => 529,2,Wait(4)
>> exten => 529,3,Goto(accueil,s,1)
>> [accueil] ; définition d’un contexte pour l’accueil
>> exten => s,1,SetGlobalVar(sounds_path=/**var/lib/asterisk/sounds/)
>> exten => s,2,Background(${sounds_path}**welcome)
>> exten => s,3,goto(accueil,s,1)
>> exten => #,1,Goto(menu,s,1)
>> exten => i,1,Playback(${sounds_path}**erreur-saisie)
>> exten => i,2,goto(accueil,s,1)
>> exten => t,1,Goto(accueil,s,1)
>> [menu]
>> exten => s,1,Background(${sounds_path}**menu)
>> exten => 0,1,Goto(menu,s,1)
>> exten => 1,1,Goto(appel,s,1)
>> exten => 2,1,Goto(message,s,1)
>> exten => 3,1,NoOp(User chose support option)
>> exten => 3,n,MYSQL(Connect connid localhost aheevaccs aheevaccs aheevaccs)
>> exten => 3,n,MYSQL(Query resultid ${connid}  update test set count =
>> count + 1 where option_name = 'support')
>> exten => 3,n,MYSQL(Clear ${resultid})
>> exten => 3,n,MYSQL(Disconnect ${connid})
>> exten => 3,n,Goto(support,s,1)
>> exten => s,2,goto(menu,s,1)
>> exten => i,1,Playback(${sounds_path}**erreur-saisie)
>> exten => i,2,Goto(menu,s,1)
>> exten => t,1,Goto(menu,s,1)
>> [appel] ; définition d’un contexte pour le menu d’appel
>> exten => s,1,Background(${sounds_path}**appel)
>> exten => s,2,WaitExten(10)
>> exten => 0,1,Goto(menu,s,1)
>> exten => 223,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},20,tr)
>> exten => i,1,Playback(${sounds_path}**erreur-saisie)
>> exten => i,2,Goto(appel,s,1)
>> exten => t,1,Goto(appel,s,1)
>> [message] ; définition d’un contexte pour la messagerie
>> exten => s,1,VoiceMailMain(${**CALLERIDNUM})
>> exten => t,1,Hangup()
>> [support] ; définition d’un contexte pour le support
>> exten => s,1,GoToIfTime(09:00-17:00|**mon-fri|*|*?s,4)
>> exten => s,2,Playback(${sounds_path}no-**relation-support)
>> exten => s,3,Goto(menu,s,1)
>> exten => s,4,Playback(${sounds_path}**relation-support)
>> exten => s,5,Queue(default)
>> exten => t,1,Hangup()
> In the [accueil] context, you call Background with the name of the file to
> play, then immediately return to the top and play the message again, and
> again and again.  It will never stop until the caller hangs up.  Also, you
> are asking the caller to press the '#' key to get past the welcome greeting
> before getting to the main menu.   I would recommend playing the welcome
> followed immediately by the Background() for the menu.  The call the
> WaitExten() to give the caller a chance to enter a selection.  The if a
> timeout or invalid entry occurs, go back to the point where the menu is
> played.  You should also think about a look so that after a few failed
> attempts, you hangup the line and do not tie up that channel.
> To save the telephone number that you when option 3 is pressed, change the
> MYSQL query line to be something like this:
>  exten => 3,n,MYSQL(Query resultid ${connid} insert into test (
> option_name ) values ('${CALLERID(num)}'))
> I noticed that in your dialplan, you have the database, username and
> password the same, aheevaccs . However in your email, you spelled the
> database "aheevacss".  Probably a typo, but in case you have connect
> errors, that is a place to look.
> Dale
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> "The truth speaks for itself. I'm just the messenger."
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