
ROFLMAO! Such a funny article...

"I shall now state the bleeding obvious.." ...

What he fails to point out is that

a) some people don;t care if someone can listen in. the fact that they can phone a 
friend in Australia from the USA for no cost at all is more important
b) The fact that his 'buddy' clearly doesn;t want to be associated with his article 
speaks volumes.
c) If you leave the door open to your house don't be suprised if someone walks in.. 
lock you doors, and your network (and don't blame the door maker)
d) Errm The internet, you know, the *public* internet? you know that thing that 
everyone(1) from anywhere can get on.. jeez,
e) If you want encrypted point to point communications then encrypt point to point.
f) All the people he spoke to were um, selling stuff... buy our solution it's much 
more secure than his.. and a marketing guy? what a great resource.
g) Mobile calls aren;t secure, neither are analog calls - They use 900mhz wireless 
phones in the US too don't they?
h) SIP isn't the only protocol available.
i) No-one understands me anyway
j) DOS attacks are part of life, that's why if you business depends on it you use 
multiple providers with different routes.

(1) with obvious exceptions


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