Hi Torsten,

> I think I have the same problem as Martin Bene mentioned in
> http://lists.digium.com/pipermail/asterisk-users/2004-January/
> 034521.html
> Since I found no further information about this I'd like to 
> ask wether you know what the reason for this problem is and how one
> get around this.

I've since spent some time debugging the problem:

The innovaphone gatekeeper hands out a bandwidth allocation of 8kbit on
registration; I haven't found any way to deactivate or configure this

Two possible workarounds:

* Don't have asterisk register any extensions with the gatekeeper

* Or, as an utterly ugly workaround, I've hacked the openh323 libs to
ignore the bandwidth limit and proceed andway. Seems to work OK.

Bye, Martin

Attachment: openh323_bandwidth.patch
Description: openh323_bandwidth.patch

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