On Wednesday 15 September 2004 01:02 am, Thomas Gallaway wrote:

It entirely depends on how that carrier deals with caller ID. Usually you would not be able to set your own, as it's done by their equipment. It would just ignore yours.

On a PRI I've never had a carrier, ILEC, CLEC, not-LEC-at-all, *not* expect me to provide the number I want to use for the source of the call. After all, many applications require many DIDs to be in service on a single PRI, and the carrier has no idea which one the call is "from" unless your PBX, soft switch, etc., tells them. Now, some of them will block anything other than the DIDs you've paid them for on that PRI, but that's a different story.

(I say the above fully expecting that someone can tell me about an exception.)

Being this is usually only handed over to them by other TELCOs, it's pretty much a new issue, and not something they are really prepared for.

And all those little PBXs sitting in closets all over the land.... PRIs are not exactly a new product for end-user use.

Everything could start falling to pieces if that does not work as all the billing is based on identifying who is calling whom.

Which is exactly why any carrier with their act even mildly together also tracks the BTN (billing telephone number) of the PRI, based on the circuit your call comes in on, no matter what you claim as the source of the call.

--Jon Radel
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