>  greetings, based on the extension dialed? 
>  The catch is that I want the messages to go into one
>  mailbox that can be accessed from one extension. 

It's easy to write your own in extensions.conf in a macro

- the sound files played could be called "120.gsm", "130.gsm" etc,
named for the extensions
- your macro will dial the extension and then have the logic to play
the files followed by the voicemailmain application with the 's'
argument that doesn't play the standard user's greeting.

The basic macro could look something like this:

exten => s,1,AbsoluteTimeout(130)
exten => s,2,Answer
exten => s,3,Playback(private/${ARG1} )
exten => s,4,Voicemail2(s900)
exten => s,5,Hangup

and called something like this:
; after the dial logic
exten => _xxx, s, Macro(leave-message,${EXTEN})

several gotchas, like an extension with no corresponding sound file...
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