>Precisely. First world environment! 

>Try travelling in Africa, the Middle East and South Asia, where
>everything is still mostly dialup and many of the phone wires
>installed go back before the time when plastic was invented.

So SIP doesn't work on dialup? That's funny 'cause I'm using it like that...

>> Simply writing a better spec and then hoping
>> that magically the entire world is going to support it
>Come on. You know as well as I do that this is not representing the
>situation at all. In fact it fails to give credit to Mark and others
>who have been working hard to make IAX what it is today. It's not fair
>to say that all they did was "write a better spec and hope".

I didn't mean to infer that that's all that IAX was or that was all the
community had accomplished. If you read back in the thread, I'm responding
to someone who said something to effect of "we don't need to be a standard
'cause we're just that good". I think that's a shortsighted approach. That's
all. If you don't agree that having IAX ratified into a standard would be a
help, well, that's where we differ.


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