On Thu, 2004-11-25 at 11:02 -0700, Colin Anderson wrote:
> I have 4 gig in my * box. I'm tuning for performance and I'd like to ask
> opinions:
> 1. asterisk -p == renice -20 ?? 

Unless you have done something not very smart like putting a DB on your
asterisk machine, reniceing asterisk isn't going to give you more clock

> 2. I've turned off swap with no apparent ill effects. Can anyone commment on
> long term effects with moderate load (say, 30 SIP phones / 2-3K calls /day)

What did you expect to get by that? Linux will swap out anything not
being used but will keep what it needs. What you have done is make it
more likely in a crunch, your machine will fall over instead of trying
to gracefully handle the load.

> 3. Can anyone comment on using ramdisk as swap and whether this is a good
> idea or bad idea?

Swap in ram? Why not use the ram for ram? 

> I'm using 2.6 kernel. I've modified the PCI latency in rc.local:
> setpci -v -s <my T100P address> latency_timer=ff
> Anyone else have any performance tips?

Sounds like you need a beginers book on OS design or even a simple
linux/unix admin book. 
Steven Critchfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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