Hello List!

Several users of a german VoIP-Forum experience the following similar problems when using CAPI with an active ISDN-Card AVM B1 PCI connected to the PSTN and a HFC-S in NT-Mode used as an "internal" S0-Bus to connect ISDN-Phones.

The problem is, that when making a phone call from an ISDN-Phone connected to the HFC-S-Card that is meant to be routed to the PSTN through the AVM B1, the voice quality is very bad. It sounds as if someone has a really bad, bad cold.

What makes us wander is, that if a call is made from a SIP-client through the AVM B1 to the PSTN, everything ist fine. Calls between SIP-clients and ISDN-Phhones connected to the HFC-CArd are also ok.

In addition one user found that if one monitors/records a phonecall made from an ISDN-Phone to the PSTN through the AVM B1, the recorded sound is also fine, only the "live" sound is that bad and we have no more ideas what to try to figure out where the problem is.

What we heard, but we still have to verify this is, that on a Linx with Kernel 2.4 everything seems to work. But this is still unverified. The Kernel is 2.6.8 in my case the actual updated Kernel of a SuSE 9.2 Distribution.

We were also testing different Motherboards and made sure that there are no IRQ-Conflicts between HFC and AVM card, etc. The Test-Systems had no load and are running smoothly.

Any ideas?


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