>> I have a server I'm working on here with two tdm cards in it.
>> 4 FXS and 4FX0. Both cards work fine on their own. The problem
>> lies with using both in the system at once. I have verified the
>> IRQ's are fine. I have tried switching the slots the cards reside in, no 
>> luck though. I am using ACPI but not APM. I am using gentoo latest, with 
>> vanilla 2.6(.10) kernel and udev. CVS as of CVS-HEAD-03/02/05-03:42:41.
>> The problem is as follows:
>> If I power up the system from system off, the cards both get detected
>> If I reboot the system with reset button, ctrl alt del, or 'reboot'
>> the TDM04P does not get detected.
>> If I then reboot, then hit the power button, and let it turn off, then
>> turn it back on again and boot, it detects both cards fine.
>> I have tried searchign the list archives, but I have not had much luck. 
>>   One person on IRC mentioned he's seen this before, but didn't have any
>> solutions.
>> Does anyone here know what might be the problem? or have a fix/work 
>> around? I know I shouldnt be rebooting servers, but I have to make sure 
>> it works upon reboot as it is going to be installed in a power-outtage 
>> happy part of the world :)
>I'm not having any problems like that with RHv9 (2.4 kernel), so I'd have
>to guess the issue is 'timing' related in whatever script that loads your
>tdm-zaptel drivers.
>As I recall (as a non-v2.6 user), there was an issue with timing and 
>someone added a sleep/wait statement in the startup script to bypass the
>problem. Might consider finding your startup and add some additional time
>to that sleep/wait.
>Another approach to isolating the problem is to load the drivers by hand
>paying close attention to error messages, delays, etc. If your not sure
>how to do that, read your startup script and simply do those steps manually.
>Someone mentioned unplugging power and/or removing the card. That approach
>is totally BS. The same startup process is run regardless of whether one
>is rebooting or starting from power-on. There is nothing on the tdm card
>that stores values (no flash, no battery backup mem, etc). If the startup
>script operates "one time" from any startup mode, it is setting the tdm
>registers, etc, correctly.
>I'm away from the office this week, but I recall there was a readme shipped
>with the zaptel source that discusses kernel 2.6 timing issues. Might look
>for that in your src directory.

The approach of non-rebooting but power off and then power on (cold reboot), is 
For me had been the only way to "reboot" the server with the TDM cards. If you 
make a hot
reboot (al least with my cards) the modprobe will have fatal errors and won't 
load the
cards. I think it's MoBo related, maybe some kind of IRQ assignment not 

Miguel Ruiz Velasco

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