I am looking to create an asterisk system with failover in case one asterisk box fails. 


Current hardware:


2 asterisk boxes (P3 950mhz gateway server and an older dell) w/128MB RAM each, latest release of asterisk/centos.

1 RAID5 server with 2 SATA HD’s



I want Asterisk to take over active calls when one server fails.  I may want to store data (config files, voice mail, etc.) on the RAID server.


What do you all think about this arrangement… my only concern is if my RAID server goes down, both asterisk clones become unusable. Would I be better off storing files on one asterisk box and then rsync with a cron job every 1 minute?  Would it be better to have both servers running at the same time and processing calls, with the data stored on the server?


A side question would be: if one asterisk box got overloaded with calls, could it roll over to the second box? 

Thanks for the advice/opinions, in advance!





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