Hi there
I have a SIP ATA with a fax machine attached and a SIP FXO gateway to the PSTN. When I try to send faxes in either direction, I get nothing but stony silence. I have changed the gateway and the ATA to peer to peer mode to test them and they happily do the T.38 thing and faxes flow.
It seems that they initially negotiate a G.729 codec, which is what I want and then when the receiving end detects the fax machine, it wants to re-negotiate and use the t38fax codec. This is the working the Micronet devices use at least.
When I put the units into proxy mode and run them through Asterisk, they fail at the negotiation stage.
Now I have learned from my dealings with Asterisk and the newsgroup that Asterisk does not do T.38. However, why should it not let devices do T.38? My debug messages from Asterisk don't show it saying no, but the gateways don't wont' setup the T.38 on Asterisk.
I have chanded sip.conf to allow=all and there are no explicit rules in the registrations for the gateways.
Does anyone have an idea here?
For this venture to be truly usable, I have to be able to get FAX working at this basic level.
Mark Dutton
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