Darrick Hartman wrote:
> Philip A. Prindeville wrote:
>> What I'm trying to do is this.
>> Let's say I have some service that runs on port 101 (hypothetically).
>> I want to continue to run it on that port internally, but I want to 
>> relocate it on my external interface because I'm tired of it being 
>> port-scanned, and it's no a particularly secure service.
>> So I run my relocated service externally on port 10100.  Internally on 
>> 101... and block packets sent directly to the external interface on port 
>> 101....
>> What I want to do is this.
>> If a connection comes in for TCP/10100 on my external interface, I want 
>> to (a) --setmark the packet, and (b) -j DNAT --to-destination 101 on it.
>> Then separately, if a packet is for TCP/101 and it came on my external 
>> interface:
>> (a) accept it if it's marked (i.e. had been reNATted),
>> (b) reject it if is isn't marked (i.e. hasn't been reNATted from TCP/10100).
>> Simple, right?
> (b) is easy.  Any ports that aren't explicitly opened are dropped from 
> the outside.  Default behavior is DROP unless set otherwise.

No, I was referring to the "MARK" module and --mark and --setmark.

> (a) should be able to be handled by Arno's firewall already by 
> You'd use a format that looks like this:
> "101>"

You know, you'd think that would work... but it doesn't.

> Try that.  If that doesn't work, then I'd ask on Arno's firewall list. 
> I don't think that's that odd of a request (to make the service 
> accessible on XXX externally and ABC internally).
> Darrick

Really?  It was a very popular thing to do on IOS routers...


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