Yeah, I did restart the firewall :-)

Well, the interesting thing is that I seem to see two different bugs (may be 
connected, I don't know).

1.) The rules don't seem to work.

2.) The rules can't be deleted on the gui.

How does it work with you? When you add any custom rule and then in the next 
step try to delete it. Does it work?


Michael Keuter wrote:

>>Yesterday I tried to add a custom firewall action to arno's firewall on my
>>astlinux box. This was in order to enable an external SIP phone to connect
>>to asterisk.
>>As I know the external IP and MAC I added a rule to pass EXT->local port
>>5060 from the specified IP address and restarted the firewall.
>>Result however was still no connection. So, I added another rule to log
>>local in from that IP. But I got no log whatsoever from this IP.
>>I then checked the resulting iptables conf (I am no expert here, but I
>>searched for the IP or the port) and found NO reference to my rules.
>>Then I tried to delete the two custom actions, but to NO avail?! I can
>>check the delete option on both rules. Then hitting save settings and
>>nothing changes. The rules remain.
>>I can click on the disable button and save settings. This works (at least
>>in the gui the rules are marked as disabled).
>>So, I am not sure if I am doing anything wrong here, but at least a delete
>>of the rules should be possible, right?
> after saving your rules, did you restart the Firewall :-)?
> Michael
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