
Thanks for the explaination. It's good to better understand, how to counter 
these attacks.

I need to dig a bit into these asterisk ACL settings to see if it is 
possible to give a range of peer IPs (as the external ones are on dynamic 

Otherwise, the adaptive ban also seems to work nicely.



James Babiak wrote:

> Michael,
> While obviously you'll want to block these attacks when you see them, as
> long as you use secure credentials for these remote extensions, you
> shouldn't have to worry too much about this attacker actually managing
> to compromise a SIP account. While you'll probably want to keep the
> extension numerical (though you don't need to), the password should be
> secure. That will eliminate 99% of attacks from being successful,
> limiting it just to a nuisance.
> While a dedicated and direct attack (for example: from an employee,
> etc.) against your PBX changes things a bit, almost all attempts are
> random people/groups on the Internet scanning to find any IP that's
> listening on 5060UDP. Once they find you, they will attempt to scan for
> easily compromisable accounts.
> These attackers are going to try very simple brute force attacks. They
> don't know if the extension is valid or not, so they aren't going to
> invest too much time trying to brute force every single possible
> password on every single possible account. Even one account could take
> eons to work through every possible combination of characters. They will
> most likely be trying the extension number for the password, 'password',
> 'secret', etc. In my opinion, the most common error in that record is
> using the extension number for the password (ie: 1234:1234), which
> happens all too frequently.
> You can also use Asterisk's built in peer ACL settings in the sip
> configuration file to prohibit registrations from non-specified IP
> addresses. You should always enable this for all local extensions, and
> if the remote phones will be coming from static IP addresses (or static
> netblocks) you can do that for them as well. If the latter is possible,
> then outside of a security vulnerability in the host system, Asterisk
> itself, or the client location, you can pretty much lock down the pbx
> from remote access attacks.
> And as discussed, you can use the firewall plugins to prevent connection
> attempts like this in the future. Including blacklisting the IPs you see
> trying to probe your system.
> -James
> On 07/20/2010 03:29 AM, Michael wrote:
>> I used the sip-voip plugin. It worked fine. However, security is not
>> enough, it seems to me. I am experiencing hacker attacks on the open port
>> 5060.
>> So, I am wondering, what could be a better solution. Maybe would be
>> interesting to not use port 5060 for external devices. Then the firewall
>> would need to convert it to 5060 for incoming connections. Is this
>> possible?
>> Thanks
>> Michael
>> P.S.:
>> Attacks come from, trying dozens of username/password
>> combinations per second. Just a matter of time until they find a valid
>> combination. At the moment, I blocked all external devices (there are
>> only two anyway).
>> Philip Prindeville wrote:
>>> On 7/11/10 12:13 PM, Lonnie Abelbeck wrote:
>>>> On Jul 11, 2010, at 1:04 PM, Philip Prindeville wrote:
>>>>>> Pass EXT->Local | UDP | Source: 0/0 | Port: 10000-20000
>>>>>> (The port range here should exactly match your /etc/asterisk/rtp.conf
>>>>>> rtpstart-rtpend port range.  Alternatively you can enable the
>>>>>> 'sip-voip' plugin, but personally I keep the 'sip-voip' plugin
>>>>>> disabled and use the above firewall rule.)
>>>>>> Hope this helps.
>>>>>> Lonnie
>>>>> The problem with this is it opens up ALL ports 10000-20000, not just
>>>>> those that are being used by RTP.
>>>>> I really, really recommend using the SIP-VOIP plugin instead.
>>>>> -Philip
>>>> In practice I use a *much* smaller port range for RTP, rather than the
>>>> default 10000-20000.
>>>> Opening a very small UDP port range for RTP is not a problem for me.
>>>> Yes, I know you like the "sip-voip" plugin. :-)
>>>> Lonnie
>>> What's not to like about it?  :-)
>>> More to the point, I like exposing only the barest minimal attack
>>> surfaces whenever I can.
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