Okay, thanks.  I tried PPTP and ran into a problem... I got it to work from
my iPhone over AT&T, but from my MacBook through my office WiFi it failed.
Also failed if my iPhone was connected to my office WiFi.  I suspect that
the firewall here is blocking PPTP.

That means I have to look at OpenVPN, but I find the settings confusing,
appears to be more than just enabling a userid/password, looks like I have
to use a certificate. Are there instructions anywhere for how to set this
up?  Just enabling the OpenVPN server on Astlinux did not work...

Oct  6 14:27:40 pbx daemon.err openvpn[21714]: Options error:
Unrecognized option or missing parameter(s) in /etc/openvpn.conf:2:
dev (2.2.1)
Oct  6 14:27:40 pbx daemon.warn openvpn[21714]: Use --help for more information.


On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 2:08 PM, Michael Keuter <li...@mksolutions.info>wrote:

> Am 06.10.2011 um 19:55 schrieb David Kerr:
> > What VPN settings should I use on my Astlinux gateway if I want to
> connect my Apple MacBook's onto my local network when outside of the house?
>  The built in VPN client in OS X gives me three choices for VPN... "L2TP
> over IPSec" or "PPTP" or "Cisco IPSec".  Looking at the Astlinux network tab
> I see a PPTP option which seems fairly easy to setup, but there are two
> IPSec options which look more complicated, I don't know which to select, nor
> whether either would work.
> >
> > Any advice / suggestions?
> >
> > Thanks
> > David
> Out of the box only PPTP works with Macs or iOS devices (that's why we
> included it recently :-) ), but I encourage you to use OpenVPN with
> Viscosity on the Mac (does not work for iOS!)
> http://www.thesparklabs.com/viscosity/
> Michael
> http://www.mksolutions.info
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