I was able to download, extract (double-clicking in Finder) and copy the latest 
version of AstLinux onto a CF card; however when I went to boot, the system 
seemed to hang, almost as though the card was not being seen as bootable.

>From the CLI in Mac, I did the following:
  imac:$ sudo diskutil unmount /Volumes/RUNNIX
  imac:$ sudo dd 
if=/Users/shamus/Downloads/astlinux-0.7.10-asterisk- of=/dev/disk1
  262080+0 records in
  262080+0 records out
  134184960 bytes transferred in 97.199067 secs (1380517 bytes/sec)

Mac then remounted the CF card I could see a volume entitled RUNNIX. I'm 
assuming I'm doing something wrong from the CLI, not setting some sort of flag 
or something... any suggestions?

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