Hi Galen,

Any progress? Have you had a chance to test your setup with Felix's
Minstrel rate selection patch? Better rate selection might be part of
the solution.

Also, I think Felix is working on STBC support. That should really help.


On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 9:41 PM, Galen <gal...@zinkconsulting.com> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I have been testing out ath9k in a variety of situations. I have observed it 
> appears to have poorer handling in MIMO-intensive environments than the 
> binary drivers under Mac OS X and Windows. I have two computers with 
> identical radios (3x3:2 AR5008 Mini PCI-e) and as similar of antenna 
> configurations as possible. One computer runs Windows XP + latest Atheros 
> binary drivers and Linux 2.6.32 + latest compat-wireless. (I have also tested 
> some older versions with similar results.) The other computer runs Mac OS X 
> 10.6.2 which contains the latest Atheros binary drivers.
> The APs are a mix of 5 GHz 802.11n and 802.11a, from multiple vendors and 
> with varying chipsets including Atheros and Broadcom. I have tested 
> greenfield/non-greenfield 802.11n modes and both 20 MHz and 40 MHz channels 
> and seen similar results in all cases. In all my tests, I have a virtually 
> 100% noise-free environment, non-overlapping channels, no traffic on the APs 
> except the testing computers. Never has any card reported a noise value above 
> the thermal/amplifier chain noise floor. There are no known 5 GHz 802.11 APs 
> except for those under my control operating within 1 km.
> The conclusion I am reaching is that in clean line of sight situations, the 
> Linux ath9k performs as expected - almost perfectly identical to the OS X and 
> Windows tests. However, as you lose line of sight and/or have increased 
> multi-path, Linux / ath9k quickly falls dramatically behind the binary 
> drivers in Windows and OS X. And unfortunately, in almost all real-world 
> situations, multi-path is present and a major factor.
> *** Situation A ***
> The OS X computer picks up a remote non-LoS 5 GHz 802.11n AP without any 
> problems and associates reliably. Depending on precise location, signal 
> strength varies from -72 dBm to -88 dBm and typically I see MCS 3-7. Windows 
> detects the AP but does not reliably associate with it. Linux does not even 
> detect the AP.
> *** Situation A-2 ***
> Switching out the AR5008 for a high-quality AR9280 (2x2:2) does allow Linux 
> to detect the remote non-LoS AP, but it still cannot associate reliably at 
> that location. The AR9280's increased sensitivity seems to allow the 
> detection of APs in more edge situations, but does not significantly improve 
> non-LoS performance. Additional, in other limited tests, the AR9280 often 
> yields significantly worse signal levels as compared to the AR5008 - 
> sometimes 10 to 20 dB worse.
> *** Situation B ***
> Testing against a very close 802.11n AP, Linux has extreme difficulty dealing 
> with the strong multipath. Linux reports a signal of around -72 to -74 dBm 
> and maintains a much lower bitrate with a "link quality" around 70/100. This 
> is low enough that link speed is significantly reduced, with either low MCS 
> (usually <4) or even dropping to 6 megabit 802.11a occasionally. By 
> comparison, Linux sees an identical AP a few rooms over attains a signal 
> strength around -50 to -55 dBm and a link quality of 80-90/100, and operates 
> at full bitrate or near full bitrate. (The performance with the 2 rooms away 
> AP is similar to Windows and OS X, one of the few non-LoS situations where 
> Linux ath9k can match Windows and OS X.)
> For comparison, Windows and Mac OS X both attain a 270 megabit (MCS15) 
> connection and hold it fairly reliably (occasionally and only briefly 
> dropping to MCS13 or MCS14) with signal in the -30s and lower -40s range. The 
> relative link quality is somewhat lower than when a little further from the 
> AP or with a bit less multi-path, but OS X and Windows both maintain near 
> full bitrate and perform quite acceptably.
> *** Situation C ***
> Testing against an 802.11a AP in an adjacent room with directional antenna 
> pointed away from the indoors testing location. This means all signal is 
> multi-path. The Linux computer cannot reliably associate with the AP. During 
> association attempts, the Linux computer reports signals in the -82 to -88 
> dBm range and link quality from 34/100 to 54/100. The Mac OS X computer 
> reports a signal strength of -45 to -50 dBm, associates reliably, and attains 
> full 802.11a bitrate. Windows is similar to slightly behind OS X in this case.
> *** Further Testing ***
> I plan to create a triple-boot environment so I can compare any OS 
> combination on exactly the same hardware. Absolute care will be used when 
> rebooting as not to move anything. I will run a standard series of network 
> tests under Linux and OS X. (It is a significantly larger headache to setup 
> Cygwin to use the same tools on Windows and I will only do so if OS X versus 
> Linux testing is inconclusive.) I will also have another system in monitor 
> mode and be recording the raw 802.11 frames for later review.
> I do not expect a significant change in behavior in my testing environment, 
> but I do expect more accurate and precise data, which can hopefully help me 
> identify the cause of the performance differences.
> *** Discussion ***
> While I realize some of my examples are rather extreme, they clearly 
> demonstrate the huge disparity between ath9k and proprietary drivers. I 
> suspect that ath9k may have inferior MIMO support code (MRC, beamforming, 
> etc.) as compared to the proprietary drivers. I believe that STBC is still 
> not supported yet either.
> Can anybody comment on this issue? Have you experienced it yourself?
> Does anybody have ideas on how this might be improved? I have been 
> considering ath9k for an embedded installation, but these multi-path 
> performance differences are pretty disturbing. Atheros has a proprietary 
> driver available with source for a very hefty license fee, but I'd rather put 
> energies into ath9k - the kind of licensing fees they are working with can 
> pay for a lot of developer time.
> -Galen
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