On 25 March 2013 11:03, Peter Stuge <pe...@stuge.se> wrote:
> Me and other ath9k users have experienced various similar problems
> for years, across different ath9k hardware. NM was usually not part
> of the picture, at least never in my case, my problems were always
> with only wpa_supplicant, if that.
> ath9k has improved, but I still have "soft" issues that nobody at QCA
> will spend time on, because I'm not significant enough for remote
> debugging, because QCA doesn't talk about hardware details with
> users, and because problems (obviously) can't be reproduced in
> their lab.

Dude, I don't know if you've been paying attention, but Felix, Luis
and I have been ratcheting up both the developer access (still under
NDA for now), information about the hardware in general, and now open
source HAL code for the AR9300 and later chips.

_I_ got involved in this stuff deep enough and quick enough that they
hired me. There's enough information and code out there about how
their kit works. A sufficiently motivated developer can dive in and
get a lot of interesting work done. The unfortunate truth of the
matter is that we don't have the time as developers to support users.
But it hasn't stopped developers from diving in and fixing things.

It's just that for the most part, people seem scared. I don't know
why, Felix/Luis were very supportive and patient with me when I was
coming up to scratch on how the 11n chips work as part of FreeBSD
development _AND_ we found bugs in ath9k together. Heck, Felix and I
are _still_ finding bugs/bad assumptions in ath9k even today, because
I'm going through the motions of adding AR9300 support to FreeBSD and
doing my own code/documentation review.

Now - Linus. I'm glad we got to the root cause of this. I'd really
appreciate it if you could find an official Google support path to
lodge an actual bug report and get the google chromeos people to work
on this. Google have people working both on ath9k and the general
Linux wireless infrastructure. They're the ones using open source and
they can work with the open source community to get the bugs fixed.

_I_ would really like to see more community involvement with OEMs
using open source wireless (Linux, BSD, Haiku, etc.) That's partially
going to happen through the vendors and it's partially going to happen
through OEMs who are deploying them. Let's try to work with both to
keep the communication lines open.

Finally - Peter, I know you've been burnt in the past. Your posts
aren't productive. Some of the bugs can be fixed in software. Some
bugs you've brought up in the past require a PCI(e) analyser and logic
analyser. I don't (yet) have those at home - but if someone wants to
work on an FPGA project to build open source versions of both, I'm all
ears. There's practical aspects to all of this which I, Luis and Felix
are working on but we don't have the magic answer(s) yet. But please
acknowledge all the damned fine work that's been going on lately. Luis
and I have spent a lot of my non-work time doing code review and
working with QCA legal to get things opened up. You convienently seem
to miss that.


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