On 25 November 2013 11:28, Ben Greear <gree...@candelatech.com> wrote:
> On 11/25/2013 11:19 AM, Adrian Chadd wrote:
>> You need to be a big customer that requires that QCA open up the
>> firmware to open source, much like what's driven ath9k support.
>> I heartily encourage this.
> If it's just money, maybe they could name their price and see
> if someone will pay it :)
> Either way, QCA seems more open to sharing firmware than anyone
> else, so it could be worse.

IT's the irony of the situation. If they're lead by their customer
requirements then all it will take is a couple of customers requiring
the firmware source be open sourced and open licenced. It will kick
off another regulatory discussion, but besides that, it'll make things

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