Saturday, January 8, 2005, 9:59:12 AM, you wrote:

> Say your system is aggregating material from two sensors, and you get
> the following, one from each:

> <entry>
>   <id>http://123</id>
>   <date>2005-02-02</date>
>   <geo:x>10.1</geo:x>
>   <geo:y>57.3</geo:y>
> </entry>

> <entry>
>   <id>http://123</id>
>   <date>2005-02-03</date>
>   <seismo:magnitude>7</seismo:magnitude>
> </entry>

> It isn't clear how these should be merged - does the entry with the
> later date replace the earlier one? The (presumably) desired behaviour
> is for the geo+seismo properties all to appear as elements under
> (properties of) the entry. Mapping syntax to a model can help decide
> what to do  *in the general case* rather than per-extension. As it
> happens, RSS/RDF would only go part of the way with something like
> this - you'd get the desired merged entry, but with two dates.

I think that reason that RDF is only helping partially here is that
you have a simplified model of an entry that is actually only
modelling the state of an entry at a point in time, when actually
entries are expected to vary over time and have multiple instances.

This is fine, it is a useful simplification; models are supposed to be

But you can't then expect to merge two different instances of the
entry under this model using simple RDF graph merging, because the
model is an over-simplification.

Eg: If you merged:




... you would get:


Not very useful.

A solution for RDF-based applications wanting to merge incoming RSS
and get a consistent RDF model is to either have special
application-level merging logic that knows about the simplification
that has been made; or to have a model where instances of an entry are
modelled explicitly. If the instances have ids, then you can allow for
both posting new instances of entries, and annotating existing
instances with extra information. Its a tradeoff between flexibility
and complexity.


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