Ok, I give up on this task.

I have just found that when there is a rdf:Resource you can't also have attributes. And that attributes have to be qualified.

It is a real pity.

It would be good to make a list of what we would have needed from RDF/XML to make Atom be rdf, and then work backwards to create RDF/XML2 where this works out fine.


On 10 Jan 2005, at 01:29, Robert Sayre wrote:
Henry Story wrote:

4) Property attributes

both hreflang, href and all the other properties of Link are unique, and given that they are string literals (subsets of them at least, but nevertheless) they can be move into attributes on Link

<link rdf:parseType="Resource"
hreflang="de" href="http://example.org/de/2003/12/13/Atom03"/>

Use of unqualified attributes is deprecated in RDF/XML (check the validator). My opinion is that the transformation you're looking for would be easier with XSLT.

You are right. The validator at <http://www.w3.org/RDF/Validator/> is really useful.


It gets a POST with a fairly average atom entry, but there are extensions in funny places. Like most people, the server stores standard fields in a relational database, so there are columns for title, summary, etc. in a table called something like "journal_entries". It would be fairly easy to store immediate children of entry in an "unknown_xml" field, and pass them through, but what about the other extensions? Using an RDF store might make this problem a lot easier, but I don't forsee a mass migration in that direction happening this year or next.

You don't need a specialized RDF storage, though very good ones exist. There are schemes to map RDF into any relational database, just as there are schemes to map objects into relational databases. In fact most RDF storage tools in Java provide this.

That's not my point. My point is that there's a staggering amount of data currently living in RDBMSes, and people aren't going to re-architect their storage to use Atom.

I was not trying to get people to use RDF databases at the back end. I was just hoping that a well engineered XML document would with a little care also turn out to be a well engineered RDF document. That would provide maximum flexibility in that it would allow people to move into the rdf world seamlessly.

Robert Sayre

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