Thursday, January 13, 2005, 12:25:16 AM, you wrote:

> David Powell wrote:

>>I've just posted PaceExtensionConstruct.  As it is an extensibility
>>Pace, it would be good if we could schedule it for discussion with the

> I like this one. I think the "atom:notation" attribute is useless, 
> though. If it's a simple extension, it will be obvious from the 
> structure of the content, which makes me wonder if the distinction is
> useful.

Here is a counter example:


  <ex:info>some info</ex:info>

Would you assume that <ex:info> is a Simple Extension or a Structured


  <ex:info><i>actually</i> it <b>could</b> contain mixed content</ex:info>

What about now?

I think it would be bad to have two different mappings for the same
extension depending on whether the instance happenned to contain any

> I can't think of a use case for extension properties in the Person 
> construct. I think we should leave those undefined. The only thing I can
> think of putting in there is FOAF, but that works just as well as a 
> child of entry.

There can be multiple Person constructs per entry though.  One author,
plus several contributors.

> I don't think 9.1.1 or 9.1.2 are necessary.

Yeah perhaps, my comment to Antone suggests that those paragraphs are

  "somebody needs to define an extension before it can be used"


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