On Fri, 14 Jan 2005 15:52:58 -0500, Robert Sayre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Danny Ayers wrote:
> > Thing is, with the spec as it currently stands, we don't have a link
> > from the feed that can be guarenteed to point to the feed URI itself.
> That's not a very robust way to accomplish the goal. People tend to use
> "cp" without thinking about these things. 

Do they? I've done HTTP redirects often enough (had to yesterday,
coincidentally) but don't recall ever having to do anything that would
break a source reference.

The browser vendors will deal
> with it eventually (Safari 2.0 does...) and/or we'll get a playlist type
> thing. That's the only way it will work reliably.

Maybe, but right now the leading browser doesn't deal with it, it's
not clear they even have any motivation to.

Seems to me like making a source-URI reference a SHOULD would help
solve an immediate problem, irrespective of the hypothetical problem
of copying.

Is a Pace needed? (Where is the time???)




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