Joe Gregorio wrote:
-1 Ick.

The only example given of a case where this may cause others problems
is RDF, and I thought we were going to have a non-normative Atom ->
RDF XSLT? Are there other cases I am unaware of?

I don't think this is specific to RDF or Atom.

1. Sam mentioned precedence rules (href and atom:href).

2. It's not clear how you'd pepper atom elements with attributes (ie do we spec that you must put your extra attribs in a namespace?).

3. it's not clear whether you're allowed to do 2 (because it's not clear whether the spec keys off from a spirit of entitlement or liberty).

4. it's not clear whether atom prefixed attributes are allowed or acceptable. Is it one or the other? Both?

So I'd conclude that the specification is silent on the matter of attribute prefixing doesn't make things less messy, it's somewhat messy already; specification just shines a light on that. Indicating digust doesn't make the sitaution better or worse, although an attitude along the lines of "how could I possibly care about this arcana" seems fine to me.


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