+1 on PaceIRI

I'm a little hesitant on this because I'm not familiar with the
issues, but it's something we'll probably all have to broach sometime
soon. Martin seems to know what he's talking about ;-)

On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 08:54:51 +0100, Julian Reschke
> Martin Duerst wrote:
> > ...
> > Bjoern was making a vaild, but fine, point: Because we decided to
> > refer to RFC2396bis, rather than to RFC2396, we already have bought
> > into the fact that RFC2396bis allows percent-encoded domain names,
> > and thus essentially requires IDN support. (apart from the basic
> > fact that no resolver is required to resolve all URIs or IRIs)
> > ...
> OK, thanks for making me aware of this subtle change.
>  > ...
> Regards, Julian
> --
> <green/>bytes GmbH -- http://www.greenbytes.de -- tel:+492512807760



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