Quoting from draft-ietf-atompub-format-04:

3.1.1 "type" Attribute
   If the value is "TEXT", the content of the Text construct MUST NOT
   contain child elements.  Such text is intended to be presented to
   humans in a readable fashion.  Thus, software MAY display it using
   normal text rendering techniques such as proportional fonts,
   white-space collapsing, and justification.
   If the value of "type" is "XHTML", the content of the Text construct
   MAY contain child elements.  The content SHOULD be XHTML text and
   markup that could validly appear directly within an xhtml:div
   element.  Receiving software which displays the content MAY use the
   markup to aid in displaying it.

Considering that TEXT MAY be white-space collapsed (why not SHOULD?) and XHTML allows anything that could go in div including text, isn't TEXT redundant?

What's the difference between:
<atom:title type='TEXT'>I do not like <![CDATA[<]]>marquee&gt;</atom:title>
<atom:title type='XHTML'>I do not like <![CDATA[<]]>marquee&gt;</atom:title>

Shouldn't both render as "I do not like <marquee>"?

FWIW, with the exception of content, I think allowing only %inline XHTML elements would make more sense than allowing %flow.

Henri Sivonen

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