Sam Ruby wrote:

The feedvalidator currently declares content served as text/plain as
invalid. I would very much like to keep this check, for a number of

What I am saying is
that the Atom spec should allow consumers enough leeway to process such
resources as non-feed (specifically, I would hope that they would
process such resources as plain text).

Section 2 says "Both kinds of Atom documents are specified in terms of the XML Information Set, serialised as XML 1.0 [W3C.REC-xml-20040204] and identified with the "application/atom+xml" media type. Atom Documents MUST be well-formed XML."

So, Atom documents are well-formed XML identified with the Atom media type. The specification doesn't talk about other media types or ill-formed XML documents. Is there something more we can add to the specification? I don't think PaceMustBeWellFormed is it.

Robert Sayre

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