Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:

* Robert Sayre wrote:

If I tell NetNewsWire to GET something in the subscribe dialog, my dispatching instructions are clear. Everything is a feed. Making up rules for application/xml, text/xml, and application/octet-stream will require superceding some RFCs that I'd rather not mess with.

What makes you think that "everything is a feed" might be consistent
with these RFCs?

This is what media types are for:

"The purpose of the Content-Type field is to describe the data
contained in the body fully enough that the receiving user agent can
pick an appropriate agent or mechanism to present the data to the
user, or otherwise deal with the data in an appropriate manner. The
value in this field is called a media type."

In the subscribe dialog, I always know what the appropriate agent is. What makes you think "standards" dictate some other behavior?

Robert Sayre

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