/ Julian Reschke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was heard to say:
| Robert Sayre wrote:
|> I agree. I was just writing a protocol implementation in Ruby On
|> Rails (CRUDs very fast, btw). When I got to the part on date
|> formats, I used xsd:dateTime code that was already done, figuring
|> that's what everyone else will do.
| But in that case, we'll need to profile xsd:dateTime. For instance,
| that one allows timestamps without timezone (with a distinct meaning!).

Or not. I propose that we say that Date Constructs MUST be valid
xsd:dateTime values and SHOULD include an explicit time zone. Heck, I
could even live with SHOULD be in UTC. If pressed, I could live with
MUST be in UTC.

But the evidence suggests that software is, in practice, going to use
libraries that recognize and process xsd:dateTime values, so defining
it in some other way is just going to lead to deviation from the spec.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | He that shuns trifles must shun the
http://nwalsh.com/            | world.--George Chapman

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