/ "Bob Wyman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was heard to say:
|       A major cause of duplicates in at least some of the existing
| services is the fact that bloggers insist on engaging in the apparently
| illogical and wasteful practice of publish multiple versions of their feeds
| and thus duplicates of their entries or items. 

Illogical and wasteful? I've been doing it for a while as a benefit to
my readers. If you only care about DocBook, you can subscribe to


If you only care about geocaching, you can subscribe to


If you want to see all the blather I write, you can subscribe to


Perhaps I shouldn't have done this, and I suppose I could stop, but I
have. I had hoped, not having considered the DOS potential, that using
the same atom:id in each entry would allow duplicates to be

I'm disappointed to learn that I've been niave.

|       One thing that we could do in the short term to reduce the number of
| duplicate feeds is to define metadata that would allow feed publishers to
| describe the relationships between feeds and describe the content of
| different feeds. If, when reading a feed, I could be informed that this feed
| was a duplicate of another "preferred" feed, I could switch to the preferred
| feed and stop reading the duplicate. I could use this knowledge to map
| subscriptions to the duplicate feeds to their equivalents. This would be
| wonderful in the transition from Atom .03 to Atom V1.0... (i.e. if the old
| format feed could point to the newer version, we'd all eventually stop
| reading the old format feed.)

I'd be happy to generate this metadata.

|       If these link rel types are acceptable to people, we should probably
| define equivelant syntax to be inserted into old Atom feeds to allow the
| transition to the new atom as well as define extensions to the various
| flavors of RSS. If we can implement this minor extension, we may see many
| fewer duplicate feeds being consumed and thus fewer duplicate entries.
|       Comments?


                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | CNN is one of the participants in the
http://nwalsh.com/            | war. I have a fantasy where Ted Turner
                              | is elected president but refuses
                              | because he doesn't want to give up
                              | power.--Arthur C. Clark

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