/ Bill de hÃra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was heard to say:
| Aside from what Anne said, I just scanned the XML Base spec and can't
| find anything scope wrt to child elements and attributes. In
| particular this (quoted previously here):
| [[[
| The deployment of XML Base is through normative reference by new
| specifications, for example XLink and the XML Infoset. Applications
| and specifications built upon these new technologies will natively
| support XML Base. The behavior of xml:base attributes in applications
| based on specifications that do not have direct or indirect normative
| reference to XML Base is undefined.
| ]]]
| had nothing to say about scope. What is implied by our references
| appears to be it xml:base either evaluates to all the children under
| which it's declared or the behavior is undefined because the spec
| didn't define xml:base usage.
| So I guess my question is - how is scoping xml:base to not apply
| within atom:content where type is xhtml not profiling XML Base?

That would seem really strange to me. The xml:base attribute on an
ancestor of atom:content changes the [base uri] property in the
infoset. Down inside atom:content, suppose you find an html:div; what
is its base URI? To answer that, you look for the applicable [base
uri] property. I don't know any other way to do it.

I suppose we could say that the base URI for atom:content is undefined
but that seems odd too. It strikes me that that might be tricky too.

Do we say that elements put in atom:content SHOULD use absolute URIs.
We probably, uhm, should :-)

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | It is good to have an end to journey
http://nwalsh.com/            | toward; but it is the journey that
                              | matters, in the end.--Ursula K. LeGuin

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