On 4/30/05, Graham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Obviously, the WG doesn't find that MUST particularly crucial.
> Robert, will you stop banging your drum about this and let the WG get
> a word in edgeways? If your position has such unanimous support it
> will survive without you.

So, I have to be quiet. Is that what you're saying? Let me suggest you
take your own advice.

I wrote six sentences, after a day of no one paying attention to this
pointless, intentionally obfuscated, and otherwise badly written

Robert Sayre

On 4/28/05, Tim Bray wrote:
> And of course we're going to have to fish some sort of
> consensus out of this horrid summary-required mess.  -Tim

Bill responded
> I can't agree with that observation. Although there are a few strenuous
> objections against title only feeds, on the balance consensus is for
> them. Is there something you're seeing that should make us think the
> current consensus level is inadequate?

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