On Wednesday, May 11, 2005, at 09:09 AM, A. Pagaltzis wrote:
* Bill de hÓra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-05-11 17:05]:
ARSS, short for Atom RSS. The marketing possibilities are

How about Atom Syndication Standard?

So, ASS = Atom Syndication Standard. Or is it Atom Standard for Syndication? Or is it Atom Site Summary?

ARSS = Atom Really Simple Syndication
ARSS = Atom Rich Site Summary
ARSS = Atom Replacement Syndication Standard
ARS = Atom Reformed Syndication
ARSE = Atom Revolutionary Syndication Experiment
ANR = Atom is Not RSS ... I guess that should be ANR is Not RSS
ANA0.3 = Atom is Not Atom 0.3, or ANA0.3 is Not Atom 0.3

Hey, maybe ATOM is an acronym and we didn't even know it. A Tired Old Metaphor. Hmm, not so good. A new Twist on an Old Method. Too many missing letters to explain away. After The Old Method. Same message, right letters. A Trick, Or Magic? From section 7. IANA Considerations: 'Magic number(s): As specified for "application/xml" in [RFC3023], section 3.2.'--must be magic!

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