Friday, May 6, 2005, 3:52:19 PM, Eric Scheid wrote:

> On 7/5/05 12:09 AM, "Graham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> "If an Atom Feed Document contains multiple entries with the same
>> atom:id, software MUST treat them as multiple versions of the same
>> entry"
>> I don't think this changes the technical meaning of the proposal, but
>> does make it very explicit.

> +1, with one minor amendment.

>     s/versions/instantiations/

> the spec uses that word elsewhere, and 'versions' might suggest a media
> adaptation, language variant, etc.

How about "revisions"?

"versions" could sound too broad, it could imply that the entry could
change for all sorts of reasons, conneg etc.

"instantiations/instances" could sound like they could be identical
copies of the same information.

"revisions" suggests something that changes over time, which is closer
to what we mean I think?


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