On 5/19/05, Tim Bray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <co-chair-mode>
> Paul and I consider that the following text has consensus support of
> the WG and the editors are directed to include it in the format draft
> (editorial judgment call on where to insert):
> Some applications (one example is full-text indexers) require a minimum
> amount of text or (X)HTML to function reliably and predictably.  For
> that reason, it is advisable that each atom:entry element contain a
> non-empty atom:title element, a non-empty atom:summary element when the
> entry contains no atom:content element, and a non-empty atom:content
> element when that element is present.
> </co-chair-mode>

Is this text intended to replace the paragraph the editors were
previously directed to insert?

Robert Sayre

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