Mark Pilgrim wrote:
On 5/19/05, Tim Bray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[atom:summary and accessibility]
Right now our draft says:

atom:entry elements MUST contain an atom:summary element in any of the
following cases:
- the atom:entry contains an atom:content that has a "src" attribute
(and is thus empty).
- the atom:entry contains content that is encoded in Base64; i.e. the
"type" attribute of atom:content is a MIME media type [MIMEREG] and
does not begin with "text/" nor end with "+xml".

I'm saying that "MUST" is probably too strong here.  I don't mind it
personally, but I don't see the case for requiring it on grounds of
interoperability.  If we keep it, the format spec should probably
mention *why* this is required, if only in passing.


Particulary on the first point above "atom:content that has a "src" attribute", "MUST" is a bit heavy handed for accesibility, since the "src" attribute could reference an accessible resource - like an external html file. Its when "src" references an inaccessible resource is it essential that atom:summary convey an accessible equivalent.

The second point about Base64 encoding, "MUST" or "strongly recommended/encouraged for the purpose of accessibility" is needed.

In respect to Mark's suggestion of mentioning why:

Perhaps "4.2.13 The "atom:summary" element" is a good place to mention the accessibility. As an initial suggestion, after the first paragraph of

"The "atom:summary" element is a Text construct that conveys a short
   summary, abstract or excerpt of an entry."

Insert the paragraph:

"   In cases where atom:content is Base64 encoded, or has a "src"
    attribute, the atom:summary conveys an accessible text equivalent
    to the non-text atom:content."

Then again, if it got changed to "SHOULD", I wouldn't raise holy hell
about it.  But I'm not going to write a Pace to change it.

That suits me fine too.

Thanks, Mike

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