Saturday, May 21, 2005, 2:04:57 AM, I wrote:

> [reposted without so many typos and grammatical errors - reply to either]

I just noticed some irony in my attempt to repost that mail about
atom:modified, with the intention to disclaim that any "significant
changes" had been made, thereby saving any readers that had already
read and understood the long post from rereading it. Note that the
Atom mailing list archive retains both copies, ordered by the Date

It is a bit borderline in this case, the original post was hard to
understand. But, if these had been atom entries rather than mailing
list posts, this is the sort of scenario where an archive Feed
Document needs to contain both revisions of an entry - in order - even
when the publisher doesn't advertise that the update was significant
by reving atom:updated.


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