On 5/21/05, Anne van Kesteren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Anne van Kesteren wrote:
> > <http://atompub.org/2005/04/18/draft-ietf-atompub-format-08.html#rfc.section.>
> >
> > I was wondering about:
> >
> > # Likewise,
> > #
> > #     http://www.example.com/~bob
> > #     http://www.example.com/%7ebob
> > #     http://www.example.com/%7Ebob
> > #
> > # are three distinct identifiers, because IRI %-escaping is significant
> > # for the purposes of comparison.
> >
> > s/significant/insignificant/?
> I see I might have misinterpreted the prose. If so, I think it is not
> very clear. Can't we just say something that atom:id IRIs MUST NOT be
> normalized?

I think the last paragraph of RFC3987, section 5.1 already says that :)


Robert Sayre

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