Antone Roundy wrote:
> Unless the "need" for this can be shown, and it can be shown that
> an extension can't take care of it, I'm -1 on atom:modified.
        The need is simple and I've stated it dozens of times... Given two
non-identical entries that share the same atom:id and the same atom:updated,
I need to know which of them is to be presented to the user. The current
specification doesn't allow me to do anything other than make a random
choice. This is not reasonable. Atom:modified would provide the data needed
to determine which was the most recently produced of the two entries. That
most recently produced entry is the one that is most often desired by users.
        On extensions... Virtually anything can be done in extensions. If
nothing should be in the core except those things that can be defined by
extensions, then nothing would be in the core. It is inevitable that
extensions will not be as broadly implemented as elements of the core. The
practical implication of forcing something to be an extension is to ensure
that it is never broadly implemented.

                bob wyman

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