* Antone Roundy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-05-22 05:25]:
> Multiple authors:
> * Allow multiple atom:author elements per feed/entry
> * Keep atom:contributor
> * Leave "byline" or ordering of authors to an extension for
> those who need it


> Multiple instances of an entry in a feed document
> * Allow it
> * State that multiple entries originating in the same feed with
> the same atom:id are instances of the same entry [yes, they're
> SUPPOSED to be, even "REQUIRED" to be universally unique, but
> let's live in the real world]
> * Leave determination of whether entries originate in the same
> feed or not as an exercise for the reader (I don't see us
> agreeing on a method anytime in the near future)

+1, particularly on the last issue.

> Ordering of entry instances with the same atom:updated
> * Leave it to an extension for those who need it


> At that point, I'd hope that we could come up with a list of
> issues we'd like to have addressed, decide which to fix, and
> then work till those are fixed without bringing up a lot more
> along the way.



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