The question of inheritance of author/contributor from feed into entry needs
to be disambiguated. I looked from the format-08 text and found that we
already have reasonable wording in section 4.2.4 (The "atom:copyright"
Element). There is also a hint in section 4.2.11 (The "atom:source" Element)
that some other elements should also be inheritable.

Proposal: insert text similar to § 4.2.4 ¶ 3 into

    § 4.2.1 The "atom:author" Element
    § 4.2.2 The "atom:category" Element
    § 4.2.3 The "atom:contributor" Element

------------------------- some relevant snippets -------------------------

4.2.4 The "atom:copyright" Element
>    If an atom:entry element does not contain an atom:copyright element,
>    then the atom:copyright element of the containing atom:feed element's
>    atom:head element, if present, is considered to apply to the entry.

4.1.2 The "atom:entry" Element
>    atom:entry elements MUST contain exactly one atom:author element,
>    unless the atom:entry contains an atom:source element which contains
>    an atom:author element, or, in an Atom Feed Document, the atom:feed
>    element contains an atom:author element itself.

... but that doesn't explain that the atom:entry inherits the author from
the feed. It actually suggests that an entry may be author-less, because the
spec text for atom:author only says this:

4.2.11 The "atom:source" Element
>    Such metadata SHOULD be preserved if the source atom:feed contains any
>    of the child elements atom:author, atom:contributor, atom:copyright, or
>    atom:category and those child elements are not present in the source
>    atom:entry.

... which calls out atom:category in the same sentence as atom:author,
atom:contributor, and atom:copyright ... which might suggest that
atom:category should also be inherited. I don't recall what the thinking
was, but I'd +1 inheritance of atom:category from atom:feed into atom:entry.


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