Bob Wyman wrote:
I therefore propose the following text: To the discussion of both atom:updated and atom:modified add: "[Non-Normative: In order to preserve network bandwidth and reduce the load on hosts of resources linked to Atom feeds or entries, Atom Processors which fetch the contents of alternate links are advised that they should not re-fetch such contents unless atom:updated changes.]" To the discussion of atom:modified add this normative text: "The value of atom:modified MUST only be changed when some other element (including atom:updated) of the same Atom entry has changed. Changes which are limited to resources linked to the Atom Entry MUST NOT trigger changes to atom:modified."
If I already voted, please consider I've changed my mind to the following: +0.8 to atom:modified, +1 if it is optional +1 to the above quoted text if atom:modified is accepted -- Thomas Broyer