* Thomas Broyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-05-24 15:15]:
> A. Pagaltzis wrote:
> > * Thomas Broyer [2005-05-24 09:05]:
> >> c)
> >> feed:
> >>   author: A
> >>   contributor: B
> >>   entry:
> >>     contributor: C
> [...]
> >> c) The entry inherits the author but overrides the
> >>    contributor. I'm also open to considering it invalid.
> [...]
> > Effectively, I am proposing:
> >
> >     A non-empty set of atom:entry/atom:author overrides any set
> >     of atom:feed/atom:author and atom:feed/atom:contributor.
> >
> >     atom:contributor may only appear if ../atom:author is also
> >     given.
> If you just consider c) to be invalid, you can go with:
>     A non-empty set of both atom:entry/atom:author and
>     atom:entry/atom:contributor overrides any set of both
>     atom:feed/atom:author and atom:feed/atom:contributor.

That seems to allow entries with contributors, but no author. You
need to be more precise.

> or
>     If an atom:entry has neither an atom:author nor an
>     atom:contributor child element, the author(s) of and
>     contributor(s) to the entry are those specified at the feed
>     level, that is, those appearing as children of an
>     atom:source or, if the atom:entry contains no atom:source
>     child element, those appearing as children of the atom:feed
>     element.
>     Note that if an entry has no atom:author or
>     atom:contributor child but contains an atom:source child.
>     If the atom:source element contains no atom:author or
>     atom:contributor child, the entry has no author or
>     contributor. In such a case, the atom:author and
>     atom:contributor children of the atom:feed element don't
>     cascade into the atom:entry.
> (and again, excuse me for my English, it's not my mother tong)

I think this clearly demonstrates why I opted for disallowing
atom:contributor in absence of ../atom:author: it is difficult to
explain. You need a lot of prose to express it. You also need
more code and more grammar rules. To me, that raises flags that
it’s too complex.

Only the atom:content section of the specification contains
restrictions on any single “aspect” which are not expressible in
one or two sentences and cannot be understood in near isolation.

> Please note that I am not proposing changing atom:author and
> atom:contributor to atom:person with a role property. This is
> just to make clearer my proposal of "considering atom:author's
> and atom:contributor's" as a whole, not atom:author's in one
> hand and atom:contributor's in the other hand".

It would be much easier to explain your proposal if that were the
case; and in that case I would be in favour. But we have two
separate elements, and that’s not going to change…

I’m not opting for the best possible solution; I’m trying to
suggest something that, given the current state of the
specification, will require the least changes for the most

> -0 to forbidding contributors without author at the feed level.

Actually, me too. Banning feeds with only contributors does not
make the actual documents any more precise, so conceptually I
don’t like the restriction. But it makes everything that deals
with the documents simpler, so I accept it.


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