Thursday, May 26, 2005, 8:50:04 PM, you wrote:

>>6.2 says that new elements and attributes can be added.
> 6.2 deals with the "Atom vocabulary", which is the markup in the Atom
> namespace or un prefixed attributes on Atom-namespaced elements (this is
> my interpretation, it's not clearly stated in the spec, and I'm quite
> sure I already raised this in the past two weeks).

Yes, I proposed that we fix this here too:

It is extremely important that clients can discriminate Section 6.2
elements from Section 6.4 elements.

If we don't make this change, then implementations could interpret
atom-namespaced "section 6.2 elements" inside entry/feed/person/source
as "section 6.4 metadata elements". Implementations may then forward
these elements believing that they are harmless metadata, when in fact
they are more likely to be control elements, which they definitely
should not be forwarded by implementations that don't understand them.

This is pretty much exactly the same problem as the one that caused
HTTP 1.0 Persistent Connections to fail. [see RFC2068 section 19.7.1]


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