At 10:06 PM -0400 6/17/05, Sam Ruby wrote:
P.S. Why is this on atom-sytax? Is there a concrete proposal we are talking about here? Is there likely to be?

Wearing my co-chair hat:

IETF WG mailing lists are normally used for creating specs that are listed in the charter. They are also used for general discussion on the topic of the WG, even if that general discussion is not covered in the charter. The latter is perfectly proper if it does not interfere with the former.

This WG is now in a waiting state on the format draft, and is actively discussing the protocol draft on a different mailing list ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). Thus, discussions of things related to the use of the Atom format is fine on this list as long as it doesn't get "out of hand", for some very vague definition of "out of hand".

Discussions that might lead to individual (non-WG) submissions of Internet Drafts are expressly encouraged at this time. That is not to say "let's start adding a bunch of needless extensions and provisions", but certainly "I see a need and I think I might propose a solution" is a Very Good Thing for this list.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--Internet Mail Consortium

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