* Asbjørn Ulsberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-06-27 13:50]:
> Rename the "atom:uri" element or change its type to a Link
> Construct.

The problem with that proposal, even if it wasn’t too late to
make any changes, is that, well, it replaces atom:uri with a Link

A Link Construct has more semantics than the atom:uri element is
supposed to. Firstly, the @rel attribute is unwarranted in this
context, since there is only kind of relation the URI in atom:uri
can have with the entity described by the Name Construct it’s in.
Secondly, the @rel is necessary for Link Constructs because they
are meant to appear in mulitplicity, while atom:uri is not.

You could avoid these problems by removing the restriction to a
maximum of one URI, of course. Then the Link Construct becomes an
obvious choice. But that would require complicating the Name
Construct spec and require significant additionaly complexity in
Atom consumers – for what benefit? I don’t see any tangible gain
in that.

The basic idea to rename the element to something more
descriptive is, of course, not bad. It might have been warranted
to lobby for renaming atom:uri to something other than atom:link,
or maybe for replacing it with a @link attribute on the Name
Construct’s root element.

But, as mentioned, the spec, modulo bugs, is a done deal at this

And if the atom:uri element’s naming really turns out to be the
biggest wart in the spec, then I’ll gladly suffer it. :-)

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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