On 7/16/05, Walter Underwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> But there is a point buried under all that. What are the changes required
> to support Atom? It looks complicated, but how hard is it? Here is a shot
> at that information.

Thanks Walter, this is good...

> For publishers, you need to be precise about the content. There are fallbacks,
> where if it is any sort of HTML, send it as HTML, and if it isn't, send it
> as text. The XHTML and XML options are there for extra control.
> Also, add an ID. It is OK for this to be a URL to the article as long as
> it doesn't change later. That is, the article can move to a different URL,
> but keep the ID the same.
> Add a modified date. The software probably already has this, and you can
> fall back to the file last-modified if you have to. But if there is a
> better date available, use it.
> The ID and date are required because they allows Atom clients and aggregators
> to "get it right" when tracking entries, either in the same feed or when the
> same entry shows up in multiple feeds.
> Extending Atom is different from extending RSS, because there are more 
> options.
> The mechanical part of extensions are covered in the spec, to guarantee that
> an Atom feed is still interoperable when it includes extensions. The political
> part of extensions has two options: free innovation and standardization. 
> Anyone
> can write an extension to Atom and use it. Or, they can propose a standard to
> the IETF (or another body). The standards process usually means more review,
> more interoperability, and more delay in deploying it. Sometimes, the delay
> is worth it, and we hope that is true for Atom.




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